National Police Check

Things you need to know

Individuals requiring a criminal record check for Australian citizenship, residency, spouse visa, guardianship of a child from another country, or who are not residents of Australia must apply via the Australian Federal Police (AFP). Details are available at

To lodge an online application for a National Police Check you will need access to:
  • A valid credit/debit card for payment (MasterCard or Visa only).
  • An email address for confirmation of submission and subsequent communication.
  • The ability to scan documents into .GIF .JPG .PDF .PNG or .TIF formats with each file being no more than 4 megabytes in size. You will need to prepare and provide identity documents to meet the 100 point check requirement in this way.
  • For NTG Licensing and Regulation checks you will require a predetermined purpose. Please check with the relevant NTG Agency.
If you do not have access to any of the above, you will need to apply via the post using the offline application form (download hardcopy application here), or visit SAFE NT.

Any section of the application form that does not apply is to be left blank. Eg if no “other given names” applies, then the section should be left blank. Do not type N/A or Not applicable.

To dispute the accuracy of criminal record information released on your National Police Certificate, please contact SAFE NT (1800 723 368). Once payment is made, processing will commence. No refund will be provided.

If you need to submit an application for which a fingerprint check is also required, please contact the SAFE NT office on 1800 723 368.


To be eligible for a National Police Check at the volunteer fee, the organisation that you will be volunteering with must provide a statement supporting your application.

**Please note, student placement does not qualify as a volunteer status and requires an employment application and fee.

Please download and print the Volunteer Concession form prior to commencing your online application (Volunteer Concession Document here).

You will be required to scan and upload the completed Volunteer Conecession form with your application.

If this form is not provided your application will be rejected, and you will be required to start the process again.
